Are Bad Grammar Killing You’re Brand on Facebook?
Anyone who has spent even a tiny amount on social media or even texted, knows that the Internet has lowered the standards of spelling and grammar across the board. Random typos, acronyms, and memes prevail across platforms. We are all at the mercy of auto-correct no matter how careful we are.
With everyone from kids to grandparents using abbreviations such as “u” for “you” and internet terms such as lol and btw, it may seem like the internet, texting, and social media are changing the way we use language. Has the Internet killed grammar?
Speaking your audience’s language is ok, however there is a ‘but ‘ coming.
It is important to understand the general tone, etiquette, and language of a particular online community, and to post accordingly. In some cases, this does indeed mean using appropriate acronyms, slang and other types of language that fit that particular profile.
Besides, taking part in an open, honest way and showing an understanding of how one’s target audience prefers to communicate and interact online can go a long way towards developing a connection, and this type of communication may have a much greater long-term impact than a simple ad, giveaway, or other quick and easy tactics. But…
“Web language” and its effect on Digital Brand Management
Shortening words on Facebook as if all of society was still texting on a phone with single colour screen & ‘abc’ number keypads may be an unforgivable misdemeanour. The use of modern acronyms like BTW, OMW and LOL (that shorten a few words) may be perfectly appropriate depending on the context and audience, however shortening a single word, such as describing a “Lrg Pizza” on Facebook, can come across as downright lazy and certainly won’t do a brand’s image any favours.
If this was the amount of effort put into a company’s Facebook advertising, one could imagine how potential customers may form preconceptions about the quality of a product they may receive. For any reputable brand or company there is no reason to do it and there hasn’t been since the arrival of smartphones. Not a single reason. At all.
The effect of the web on grammar and spelling has a larger impact than you might expect. It goes beyond personal communication and being slightly irritated at a random misspelling that you may see while browsing your news feed.
How a brand communicates and connects online is a reflection of the company itself, and that includes using certain types of language on various social platforms such as Facebook. Social media is a place where companies can personalise their customer service experience, however whilst a typo every now and again is generally forgiven on PERSONAL social media profiles, emails or blogs, brands and business pages are held to a higher standard.
Many people tend to judge others (quite harshly I might ad) by their spelling and grammar – a habit that will also affect their perception of your brand or company on social media. If you are better versed in one language than another and you are maintaining your own profile, best to stick to the devil you know. If, however you are paying someone else that suffers from the same affliction, it may be time for a change of agency.